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- Where do you obtain current information in a concise & useful format?
- How do you become familiar with products quickly and efficiently?
- Where do you find the time to read and decipher all that information?
DentalHygiene411 provides the information, knowledge and confidence that will benefit you and your patients in the practice of dental hygiene.
We will be offering two ways of learning, written text and a video demonstration. The information is presented in a concise, consistent format that will allow immediate implementation. With links from this site, you can also obtain more detailed information as your needs require.
We do not endorse one product over another. The information and use of products on this site is a compilation of ideas, comments and suggestions from fellow hygienists.
Please connect with us on our website, in the social communities and video portals, like YouTube, so that we can keep you abreast on the most recent content and news to support your development as a Dental Hygiene Professional.
Thanks for being a part of our community.
– The Dental Hygiene Team