I have a question for you.  Have you heard about Apoptosis?  

Are you aware of this very important function that happens in our bodies at the very cellular level and the impact it has on your health?  

Did you know that at the cellular level of our body, there is the rule of the 3 Rs?  

No, this is not referring to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

 It is REPAIR  REPLACE REJUVENATE.  These are the result of proper Apoptosis.  

What is important to know is how to better support the process.


I am going to discuss three things about apoptosis. 

  1. What is it?   The definition with an explanation.
  2. How apoptosis impacts one’s health.
  3. How can one support apoptosis to be functioning for optimal health?

First of all,  What is apoptosis?  The medical definition is Programmed Cell Death; however, it is much more than cells dying.  The average human body sheds 50-70 million unhealthy cells each day, thanks to apoptosis.   Simply stated, apoptosis is nature’s way of repairing or eliminating unhealthy cells that no longer function properly.  The human body’s Natural and Normal mechanism first works to repair damaged cells.  If the damaged cell can NOT be repaired, the apoptosis signaling will “healthily remove unhealthy cells”.  This avoids causing damage to the surrounding cells and thus promotes Optimum Health.  Rejuvenation occurs when the healthy new cells develop with proper nutrition being available.

Apoptosis can be activated by stimuli coming within the cell, including cell stressors, such as hypoxia or lack of nutrients, and agents that cause damage to DNA or other cell structures.

The death of cells occurs as a normal and controlled part of an organism’s growth or development.

As I am focusing on Self Care, I have found learning about apoptosis to be very timely.  In discussion, it sounds very complicated.  However, it does not understanding how it works. That is important; it knows that this takes place without you even being aware.  

What happens in apoptosis?

Apoptosis is an orderly process in which the cell’s contents break down and are packaged into small packets of membrane for “garbage collection” by immune cells. 

This is one method the body uses to get rid of unneeded or abnormal cells. Also called programmed cell death. The process of apoptosis may be blocked in cancer cells.  Improper regulation of apoptosis is the main cause of proliferative cell growth, like cancer. 

If apoptosis is, for some reason, prevented, it can lead to uncontrolled cell division and the subsequent development of a tumor. Thus apoptosis can’t actually occur in cancer cells.

In contrast, necrosis is death by injury, in which the dying cell’s contents spill out and cause inflammation. Apoptosis removes cells during development.

Second.. How does apoptosis impact your health?  When this natural cellular elimination process does not occur properly, one’s overall health can be severely impacted.  For example, most disease states can be related to either too much or too little apoptosis.  In the instance of too little apoptosis, tumors, and cancer results.  If cancer cells are not removed when they are first formed, cancer will develop.

In adults, apoptosis is used to rid the body of cells that have been damaged beyond repair. So Apoptosis also plays a role in preventing cancer.

Too much apoptosis in an otherwise normal human being can result in a number of so-called neurodegenerative diseases where cells die when they’re not supposed to die.  Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease, are all characterized by excessive apoptosis of neurons.

Also, in regard to the immune system,   If autoimmune lymphocytes cannot be cleared by apoptosis, these cells will attack autoantigens, triggering autoimmune diseases.

How are dead cells removed from the body?

Cells on the surface of our bodies or in the lining of our gut are sloughed off and discarded. Those inside our bodies are scavenged by phagocytes – white blood cells that ingest other cells. The energy from the dead cells is partly recycled to make other white cells.

Third, how can one support apoptosis to be functioning for optimal health? 

When our body is provided the proper nutrition, it can modulate and maintain the proper balance of apoptosis.   Our hunter-gatherer ancestors consumed plants etc., during specific seasons.  However, through the years of civilization, changes in agricultural practices, / advances?? with modifications, hybridization, and processed foods, just name a few changes,  the natural bitters have been lost for easy access.   Even if one should find a bitter in the produce section of the store, chances are it was not ripened on the vine, was shipped, and may have been chemically treated to ripen.

Scientists around the world are trying to develop drugs that activate these cellular pathways.  What is more important is to understand the difference between naturally occurring apoptosis; when the body is able to use those bitters and activate the pathways as needed, the body “modulates”  increases apoptosis in one area of the body and may decrease it in another area at the same time.  Vs. drugs can only “tell” the body to do one thing, and the body is then not able to modulate. 

Recent studies reveal that recovery of dying cells is possible, even after reaching these critical cell death events.

 So what are the foods that are beneficial?  As scientists are researching for an answer to that question, it is being realized that the Bitters and Herbs that are mentioned in the Bible are a good place to start.  These bitters activate the signaling of the pathways within the cells that activate proper apoptosis.  However, it does not just have them in one’s diet.  It is in having the appropriate combination that therein lies the answer.    

How do we support Apoptosis?

​​Apoptosis is an ordered and orchestrated cellular process that occurs in physiological and pathological conditions. It is also one of the most studied topics among cell biologists. An understanding of the underlying mechanism of apoptosis is important as it plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of many diseases. In some, the problem is due to too much apoptosis, such as in the case of degenerative diseases, while in others, too little apoptosis is the culprit. Cancer is one of the scenarios where too little apoptosis occurs, resulting in malignant cells that will not die. The mechanism of apoptosis is complex and involves many pathways. Defects can occur at any point along these pathways, leading to malignant transformation of the affected cells, tumor metastasis, and resistance to anticancer drugs. Despite being the cause of the problem, apoptosis plays an important role in the treatment of cancer as it is a popular target of many treatment strategies. The abundance of the literature suggests that targeting apoptosis in cancer is feasible. However, many troubling questions arise with the use of new drugs or treatment strategies that are designed to enhance apoptosis.

Cell death, particularly apoptosis, is probably one of the most widely-studied subjects among cell biologists. Understanding apoptosis in disease conditions is very important as it not only gives insights into the pathogenesis of a disease but may also leave clues on how the disease can be treated. In cancer, there is a loss of balance between cell division and cell death, and cells that should have died did not receive the signals to do so.

Rather than using drugs or therapeutic agents to inhibit the anti-apoptotic members, some studies have demonstrated that by silencing gene coding of anti-apoptotic proteins, an increase in apoptosis could be achieved.

During the last decade, naturally occurring dietary agents known to produce chemopreventive effects in experimental models have been shown to target signaling intermediates in apoptosis-inducing pathways. Apoptosis is triggered by two different signals, one extrinsic, which response mainly to extracellular stimuli, and the other intrinsic, activated by modulators within the cell itself.

Epidemiological studies showing a protective effect of diets rich in fruits and vegetables against cancer have stressed on the possibility that naturally occurring phytochemicals can exert anticancer activity. 

Evidence is also accumulating to support the notion that a combination of dietary bioactive agents is more effective than treatment with a single dietary component.  Using combinatorial therapy, dietary agents may affect many targets, each leading to the induction of apoptosis. 

There is ample evidence to suggest that the cancer-protective effects of an individual’s diet may reflect the synergistic effects of various vitamins, minerals, and other bioactive components rather than the effect of a single ingredient.

 I found supplements to help support apoptosis in my body. It is plant-based and the only product I have found that does not give me side effects.  

Aroga is the only 100% plant-based cellular wellness system in the world specifically formulated to support apoptosis function. Our bodies are made of over 800 billion cells—making cellular wellness the most fundamental way to maintain your body and your health. Pathways Core is formulated to support apoptosis function (repairing or replacing damaged cells) throughout the body and Pathways Plus products are formulated to complement Core and support apoptosis function in specific systems of the body.

I have used their products every day to help the side effects of the drugs I put in my body after Cancer. I love that they break them down into different body systems so you can choose to target specific pathways or use them all. 

I love their philosophy and mission. Medicine is not healthcare. Medicine is sick-care. Aroga promotes the research- and science-based approach to proactively keeping our bodies healthy.  They believe great nutrition is great healthcare.  

If you would like more information on what they are, click the link below to go directly to the site or click the link to schedule a 10-minute call with me.


