We have always been told to drink 8 glasses of water a day, but do you know why? Did you know that our bodies are 75% water! All of our cells are made up of water. It is the most important thing we put into our bodies. Not only is it important to watch what food we eat, but also important to watch what water we drink. It’s our fuel for our body and how we are able to detoxify and deliver oxygen and nutrients to our cells while eliminating toxins that will make us sick.

Remember the famous line, ‘water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink’, in Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s poem, ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’, water is around us but is often not clean or safe enough to drink.

That sentence stuck with me for years. Clean water is vitally important for survival. 

The fact is ⅔ rd of the earth’s surface is covered with water, yet drinking water comprises only 3% of it. 

Even though I have heard my whole life you need to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Do I? The answer is no, I do not. Why is that? Mostly because I am not sure what the best water to drink is.

There are so many options. Which one is the healthiest?  Water is becoming a big business. Water is not just water and we are being told tap water is not safe because of so many contaminants. In the last three years, there has been a huge surge in bottled water sales in the United States putting sales to over 18 billion dollars a year.

One study concluded almost 77 million people were served by water systems that reported violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act. 

 According to the Environmental Working Group, there have been 315 pollutants found in America’s tap water since 2004, and over half of these pollutants are completely unregulated and can legally exist in any amount. 

My mother-in-law passed away from lung cancer in 2001. It had metastasized to her brain, she did not smoke a day in her life. When she got sick she swore there was something in the water. I remember her saying don’t drink the water, it’s poison! We still drank the water. We did get a reverse osmosis system put in our new house after she passed. It had a well So we needed a water softener and bags of salt.

We cannot drink salt water to quench our thirst. Why not? The answer lies in understanding the process of osmosis. Osmosis is the process whereby water molecules move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. Osmosis occurs to stabilize a system. Think of putting ice cubes in a cup of hot chocolate. Besides being diluted with the water, the resulting liquid in the cup reaches an equilibrium between the two temperature extremes. This is similar to the way osmosis works.

But what does that have to do with drinking saltwater? Our cells are permeable membranes. That means some things can move in and out of cells through the cell wall, while other things cannot. Saltwater is nothing more than water with suspended particles of natural salts. These salt particles are too large to pass through the cell walls. When taken into the bloodstream, saltwater stays in the blood plasma and does not pass into the cells. In fact, the reverse occurs.

If we were to drink saltwater, and our blood plasma takes in the saltwater, the salt in the water takes up space that the water molecules would normally take up. So instead of water entering the cells to replenish them, water actually leaves the cells, dehydrating the cells even more. The more saltwater you drink, the thirstier you become, until the major systems of your body start to shut down. Leave the saltwater to the fish.

So saltwater is not good to drink. What water do we drink? I have spent months trying to figure this out, it depends on who you ask.

I grew up with well water. I also started drinking distilled water thinking It was the purest, healthiest water there was. After all, we put it in our vaporizer and autoclave to make sure it doest clog and we use it for our fish. When we use the tap water they die within a day or two if we do not put drops in it and let it sit before transferring the fish.  So distilled water has to be the best water there is, Right? At least that is what I thought for the longest time. I Wrong?

What I found out was distilled water does not have any minerals in it. When we drink distilled water it actually depletes your body of the mineral you need.


I could not believe it! Is that why I was so low in so many things and feeling tired all the time? 

The science is clear: Staying hydrated and drinking enough water have health benefits. But what water do we drink for those health benefits? Not just any water that is for sure.

Water and Nutrition

What  Does Water Do For Our  Body?


Getting enough water every day is important for your health. Drinking water can prevent dehydration, a condition that can cause unclear thinking, result in mood change, cause your body to overheat, and lead to constipation and kidney stones. 

Water helps your body:

  • Keep a normal temperature
  • Lubricate and cushion joints
  • Protect your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues in the body
  • Flush out wastes through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements
  • Keep your immune system and even your skin healthy.

Your body needs more water when you are:

  • In hot climates
  • More physically active
  • Running a fever
  • Having diarrhea or vomiting

Most of your fluid needs are met through the water and beverages you drink. You can get some fluids through the foods that you eat – especially foods with high water content, such as many fruits and vegetables.

Yet when it comes to bottled water, there are several types on the market: distilled, spring, purified, mineral, artesian, and even alkaline. Is any type best?

More research seems to be needed for a definitive answer. For now, it might come down to personal preference, 

Spring, purified, mineral, artesian, distilled: What’s the difference?


Bottled water is not necessarily healthier than tap water and yet it costs much more! Although associated with healthy water, bottled water is not guaranteed to be any healthier than tap water. Bottled water can also be acidic, which may affect your body’s pH balance. Some add minerals to make it alkaline, which can harm you if too much. A four-year study by the Natural Resources Defense Council shows that 1/3 of the bottled water tested contains levels of contamination that exceed allowable limits. Finally, the environmental impact caused by the production and disposal of plastic bottles is harmful to our ecosystem.

Types of bottled water

Springwater is water derived from an underground formation from which water flows naturally to the surface of the earth. Springwater must be collected only at the spring or through a borehole tapping the underground formation feeding the spring. Springwater collected with the use of an external force must be from the same underground stratum as the spring, must have all the physical properties before treatment, and must be of the same composition and quality as the water that flows naturally to the surface of the earth, according to the International Bottled Water Association.

Purified water is water that has been produced by distillation, deionization, reverse osmosis, or other suitable processes while meeting the definition of “purified water” in the U.S. Other suitable product names for bottled water treated by one of the above processes include “distilled water” if it is produced by distillation, “deionized water” if it is produced by deionization, or “reverse osmosis water” if the process used is reverse osmosis. Alternatively, “drinking water” can be used with one of the purifying terms defined above (e.g., “purified drinking water” or “distilled drinking water”).

The association defines purified water as water that has been highly treated – through distillation, deionization, or other suitable processes – in order to meet certain standards before being sold.

Mineral water –  Mineral water is distinguished from other types of bottled water by its constant level and relative proportions of mineral and trace elements at the point of emergence from the source. containing no less than 250 parts per million total of dissolved solids, according to the water association. No minerals can be added to this product.

Sparkling bottled water is water that, after treatment and possible replacement with carbon dioxide, contains the same amount of carbon dioxide that it had as it emerged from the source. Sparkling bottled waters may be labeled as “sparkling drinking water,” “sparkling mineral water,” “sparkling spring water,” etc. 

Artesian water/artesian well water is water from a well that taps a confined aquifer (a water-bearing underground layer of rock or sand) in which the water level stands at some height above the top of the aquifer.

Well water is water from a hole bored, drilled, or otherwise constructed in the ground, which taps the water aquifer.

Alkaline Water has a higher pH level than tap water, You also might have seen alkaline water on store shelves. A pH level is a measure of how acidic or basic water is. Seven is a neutral pH. Higher pH levels are more alkaline, or basic; lower pH levels are more acidic. Natural alkaline water can occur when water picks up minerals from areas such as springs when it passes over rocks in the environment.

You can also make your own alkaline water with simple ingredients such as a teaspoon of baking soda.

Products such as water ionizers can also be used to make it more alkaline by using electricity to separate the molecules in the water into acidic and alkaline, and then the acidic water is siphoned away.

RELATED ARTICLE Does alkaline water live up to the hype?

“Tap water has a pH of roughly around 7, and alkaline water is closer to about 8 or 9,” Malina Malkani, a registered dietician nutritionist and spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, told CNN in January.

“If all the body systems are functioning as they should be, the blood pH isn’t going to vary too much. So it’s a misconception that you can, by drinking alkaline water, drastically affect the pH of the body.”

Illnesses are common causes for changes in the blood pH level. Diabetes can make your blood more acidic, but kidney problems can make it more alkaline. Certain foods, including dairy products, also can make your blood more acidic.

It is more common for companies to manufacture alkaline water, but natural alkaline water can occur when water picks up minerals from areas such as springs when it passes over rocks in the environment.

“Alkaline compounds are salts and metals that, when added to water, make it more basic,” Malkani said.

All in all, the general consensus among health experts, for now, is that making sure you are drinking enough water is more important than the type of water you prefer.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommend that men drink an average of about 3.7 liters (125 ounces) of water each day and that women drink about 2.7 liters (91 ounces). That water can come from beverages and foods, according to the recommendations.

So, for men and women respectively, “that’s 15 cups of water and 11 cups of water, from the eight cups we were taught to believe,” Fatakhov said.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding need additional fluids to stay hydrated, according to the Mayo Clinic, which noted that the Office on Women’s Health recommends that women who breastfeed consume about 13 cups of fluids a day.

Natural or artificial?

Water that’s naturally alkaline occurs when water passes over rocks — like springs — and picks up minerals, which increase its alkaline level.

However, many people who drink alkaline water buy alkaline water that’s been through a chemical process called electrolysis.

This technique uses a product called an ionizer to raise the pH of regular water. Makers of ionizers say that electricity is used to separate molecules in the water that are more acidic or more alkaline. The acidic water is then funneled out.

Still, some doctors and researchers say these claims aren’t backed by quality research. The water quality of the original source, before ionization, is crucial to ensuring contaminants aren’t present in the drinking water.

Some scientists advise using reverse osmosis to adequately purify water before connecting an alkaline ionizer, which can raise pH and add minerals.

A study published by the World Health Organization (Trusted Source):

Cautions against drinking water with low mineral content, which is created by reverse osmosis, distillation, and other methods (without additional mineralization) on a regular basis.

America is dehydrated and that’s a problem because water makes up 50-70% of your body weight 83% of your lungs are water. Your heart and the brain, 73% is water. The bones, about 31%, are water. kidneys and muscles, about 76% is water. Your body is made up of water.

Water Boosts Energy

Water not only benefits your health, but it could also help you control your weight.

Because of our high water content, it makes sense that our bodies need water to keep our systems functioning. So the next time you hit that afternoon slump, drink a glass of water.

“Think about it like this: I tell you to drink water, and you drink water. Your body has to convert that water back to your body temperature. So if you drink cold water, your body has to turn it back to body temperature, “That’s why they say it’s better to drink cold water than hot water if you’re trying to burn calories.”

If you think you’re not drinking enough water, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers some tips:

  • Carry a water bottle with you throughout the day for easy access to water
  • Choose water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages, even when eating out
  • Add a wedge of lime or lemon to water to help improve the taste
  • Try chilling freezer-safe water bottles for easy access to ice-cold water throughout the day


  • Look for your water report on the EPA’s local drinking water information page at www.epa.gov/safewater/dwinfo/index.html. If it’s not posted there, call your water company and ask for a copy.
  • From the same site, you can read “Envirofacts” reports for your area, which will tell you if your supplier has been cited for violating EPA standards.
  • Find out how to read and understand your water report with a guide from NSF International, a standard-setting and product certification organization for food, water, and consumer goods. You can download the guide at www.nsf.org/consumer/drinking_water/dw_quality.asp?program=WaterTre.

I used several articles in this blog and researched this topic for months. I still do not have a good answer to this question. If you know a better answer, please share. I searched for water systems for the whole house. There were pluses and minuses to that as well.  Everything you can think of I have researched just made me more confused. I had my water tested and put filters in the faucets. I am drinking spring water now. I get it from the health food store and put it in non-GMO bottles. So with all that being said what is the best water?

I really have no clue. This leads me back to water everywhere and not a drop to drink. We need to solve this problem and have a way to filter water and purify it like we use when we go camping. Oxygen and water are the two main things we need to survive and thrive. 

What would you do if all water was contaminated? This is something I am still researching but I agree with my Mother in Law Water may be part of what is making and keeping us sick along with the foods we consume. 

Keep being your own health care advocate and finding the cause of the problem and make sure you have a backup plan for purifying your water should a shortage ever become an issue.

I know I sound like a conspiracy but water has been really important in my cancer recovery. I am not sure what the best water actually is. It’s a mystery and depends on who you ask.

This podcast does not have a clear answer on what is the best water to drink. My conclusion was natural spring water. But I am not confident of that. I hope it has given you pause and made you think about our water supply, what is in the water we drink, and ask better questions. 

Which is the best water to drink?

The healthiest type of water is technically hydrogen water because of the potential health benefits of the antioxidants it contains.

However, the truth is that even the healthiest type of water can only ever have minor health benefits. Hydrogen water and any other type of water on this list will not be able to repair an unhealthy diet or lifestyle.

The biggest health benefits from hydration come from drinking water itself regardless of what type of water it is. The truth is that any type of water is good for you so long as it is clean and free of impurities.

The bottom line is that you should consider all the different “healthy” types of water on the market as ‘life enhancers’. Something that can mildly improve a lifestyle and diet that is already very healthy but not fix one that is not.

If we are supposed to drink more water, what water is the healthiest? The jury is still out for me!

If you have an answer that you believe to be the best water,  reach out and share your knowledge. 


We can’t live on air and sunshine alone. The human body needs food and water to survive also. 

At least 60% of the adult body is made of water.

A human can go without food for about three weeks but would typically only last three to four days without water.

Humans need oxygen, water, food, and sleep to survive.

This is a four-part series on the 4 basics needed to survive and thrive 

Next week we dive into Nutrition.

This podcast is a representation of my knowledge and my journey through life. You don’t know what you don’t know. There is so much information I am learning, growing, and sharing every day. In an answer to a question I had, yes my opinions may change as I learn and grow. 

Knowledge is the strongest tool providing power to the people and knowledge cannot be defeated by any other power on the earth. We can also say that knowledge gives power to a person who fights for his right to live in a world of constant change. Knowledge is a very important tool for positive change. The more knowledge we have the better choices we can make to live a healthier life.  

Thanks for listening to The Healthy Mouth Movement. Until next time.


