People like to avoid the dentist for many different reasons. They had a bad experience. They are embarrassed, they are afraid they will be yelled at, made to feel guilty or they don’t like pointy things in their mouth. Others simply don’t think they have the time, or they might not want to fit it into their budget.
Whatever your reasons are for not going to the dentist, here are these dental hygienists’ suggestions for not putting off your appointment and why you should schedule a visit to the dentist now rather than put it off.
Let’s start with reason #10 to visit the dentist.
10. We Touch our Face More
Did you know we touch our face 16 times an hour and that was before we started wearing a mask? Now we touch our face more than ever adjusting our masks pulling it out to breathe. That bacteria is going into our mouths! Which is what a mask is supposed to prevent! Are you washing your hands more? We are breathing through our mouth more as well. Did you know when you breathe through your mouth we bypass the benefits air going through our nose does for us our nose warms the air and filters out bacteria? You are getting 18% less oxygen if you breathe through your mouth. Breathing through your mouth causes dry mouth and gingivitis. Are your gums puffy or bleeding? Breathing through your mouth is becoming a bad habit now that we are wearing masks.
9. Clean the Plaque and Tartar off Your Teeth
No one is perfect! No matter how diligent you are with brushing and flossing, plaque and tartar can and will still start to build up around your teeth. The sooner you see a dentist the easier it is to get off.
While you many might not consider this an urgent problem, plaque and tartar can lead to serious complications in your body. Your mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria that can start to seriously affect not just your oral health, but your overall health as well.
8. Detect – and Treat – Problem Early
Your mouth is an early warning system into what is going on in your body. The sooner you detect a problem, the easier it is to treat. Gingivitis is easier to deal with than periodontal disease; cavities and a simple filling are better than a root canal, and a root canal is better than extracting a tooth.
By seeing your dentist often, we will be able to monitor your oral health and detect issues early. With early intervention, time, cost, and recovery are all greatly reduced – allowing you to have a happy, healthy smile, while you can spend your hard-earned money on something other than your mouth and teeth.
7. Dental Disease is Silent
Not every dental problem results in pain, and serious conditions can go unnoticed until it’s too late. You will need x-rays to catch a problem sooner rather than when you can see it with your own eyes. An impacted wisdom tooth, for example, might only be visible with an X-Ray, to see it is butted up against a tooth in your mouth causing a cavity below the gum line and can get treatment before you lose two teeth. Or you might have a cavity that we can keep from turning into a root canal There are so many things going on in your mouth without you even realizing it.
Being able to look at your mouth and diagnose things sooner might even save your life.
6. Prevent Gum Disease and Periodontal Disease
Brushing and flossing daily are the best ways to prevent oral infections. Unfortunately, plaque and tartar, if left on the teeth too long, will start to cause cavities, gum disease and periodontal disease. By having the plaque and tartar removed, you greatly reduce the risk of getting these illnesses.
Gum disease is one of the most common illnesses in the world. In America alone, almost 50% of the adult population – and 70% of the population over the age of 65 – have gum disease. Gum disease is hard to notice at first, as the obvious signs (swelling and bleeding) only appear after the infection has taken hold. Seeing your dentist and having your gums measured is the best way to know if your gums are healthy or not.
Periodontal disease affects the tooth and bone and can result in teeth falling out or needing extraction. Conditions like gum disease and periodontal disease are more likely to occur in people who have an underlying medical condition. Like diabetes or heart disease. These patients need even more frequent checkups – 3-4 per year, rather than 1-2 – to prevent reoccurrence of the diseases.
5. Lower the Chances of Cardiovascular Problems and Other Health Conditions
The link between gum disease and cardiovascular disease has been studied for many years, the mouth was always treated as a separate system to the rest of the body. Today, we understand that the health of your mouth can have drastic consequences on the health of your body.
People with gum disease are two to three times more likely to suffer a heart attack, stroke, or other serious cardiovascular events. Pregnant women with gum disease are mor3e likely to deliver early or have a smaller baby. . Preventing or treating disease helps keep these numbers down, and your overall health in check.
4. Set a Good Example for Children
One of the reasons people often dislike the dentist is having a poor experience as a child. This might be an experience the child has had, or it might be because a child has grown up with parents who are anxious themselves.
If you have children, attending your regular checkups with a brave face – and taking your children along with you if you are not afraid– can do wonders to set them up for a lifetime of healthy, positive association with visiting the dentist.
3. Use of Insurance Benefits
If you’ve got dental coverage with your health insurance, you should know that your benefits don’t “rollover” from one year to the next. Once your coverage period has expired, you lose any benefits you didn’t use. If you’ve got dental benefits, using them for your regular checks and cleans is a great way to get what you already paid for, and keep your mouth at the same time.
2. Keep Your Smile Bright and Healthy
Teeth whitening is one of the most popular dental treatments. While teeth are naturally not supposed to be perfectly white, a lot of food, drinks, and personal habits can stain the teeth much more than normal.
Your regular checkup and clean will help keep your teeth brighter and healthier for longer without needing whitening. If you do get teeth whitening, your regular checkups and cleanings will keep your teeth whiter for longer.
1. A Healthy Mouth is a Healthy Body and a Healthy Life!
What we put in our mouths, how we take care of our mouths, and whether or not we are watching for the signs it is telling us, are the three main areas of focus to have not only a healthy mouth but also a healthy body.
Going to the dentist is just one thing you can do to keep your mouth teeth and gums healthy.
Watch for more blogs on what steps you can take to keep your mouth and a mouth you care for healthy for life!