The best of times the worst of times
Like most things in life, it depends on who you talk to whether or not you should brush your teeth before breakfast or after breakfast?
If you’re eating something that’s not acidic definitely after breakfast would be better but if you’re going to drink orange juice or something acidic and you won’t have time to wait 30 minutes, brushing before breakfast would be the better choice.
Believe it or not there is a better time and a worse time to brush your teeth.
Three out of ten people only brush once today so if you’re one of those people when you brush may be as important as how you brush.
For you the most important time to brush your teeth is before you go to bed!
Why you ask?
While you’re asleep you produce less saliva, so you have not brushed your teeth all day, the foods you eat feed the sticky plaque on your teeth creating an acid, which weekend the enamel of your tooth, making it more likely for you to get cavities.
Especially if you have dry mouth.
Making before you go to sleep the best time to brush your teeth, If you are only doing it once a day.
The worst time to brush your teeth is immediately after eating or drinking acidic or sugary foods like fruit juices, vinegar or lemon water, fizzy sodas or wine. Acidic drinks weaken the enamel of your tooth and brushing immediately after can’t damage the services of your teeth over time.
It can also make them more susceptible to staining. If you need to brush your teeth before the 30 minutes after eating swish with water before brushing.
If you cannot switch with water, you can eat or drink something that neutralizes the acids in your mouth something that contains calcium or phosphate like milk or cheese.
Chewing a sugarless gum with the active ingredient is xylitol is another option.
Chewing gum can also help neutralize the acid in your mouth and generate more saliva which will clean your teeth.
Candy or gum with the first active ingredient of xylitol has been proven to help reduce cavities.
When you do brush your teeth, if it’s the only time you’re getting fluoride and you’re more prone to cavities you should just spit and not rinse.
If you’re using a fluoride toothpaste and you rinse after you brush, you’ve just rinsed the benefits of using the fluoride toothpaste down the drain.
If you rinse and spit after brushing, it really does not matter if you use a fluoride toothpaste.
Of course, as a Dental Hygienist my thought process is, I just want you to brush your teeth the correct way taking your time getting all the surfaces. Whatever works for you , the fact that you’re brushing and how your brushing is what’s more important then when.
Beggars can’t be choosers.
For the most optimal oral health I recommend you brush two times a day morning and night.
Spit do not rinse. use something that strengthens you teeth, Toothpaste or rinse. again with so many products on the market you can find something that meets your wants and needs.
Talk to your dental Professional for recommendations.