From Small Business Owner to Raising Small Humans…

Why Stephanie Created The Mama Shark Blog…

Constantly on my mind is how I can get done what I need to get done while saving more time, money, and, most importantly, stress. I am wired to create order out of chaos- and let me tell you, I have plenty of chaos to work with!

Combining that with my passion for entrepreneurship led me to create the Mama Shark blog to share the lessons I have learned as an entrepreneur-turned-mom-turned-entrepreneur-again! Using the skills I acquired from many years in business, I have been able to make my own life simpler- and I’m excited to share my discoveries with you!

Mama Shark’s Mission

Mama Shark exists to improve the quality of your mom’s life by empowering you to live more on less, organize your chaos, and gain the time and energy to be the mom you want to be.

If you’re a Mama, you’ve already had chaos handed to you. Mama Shark is here to help you take charge of the chaos and come out on the other side feeling confident, happy, and able to be more present as a mom.

Mama Shark exists to improve the quality of your mom’s life by empowering you to live more on less, organize your chaos, and gain the time and energy to be the mom you want to be.

Prior to having children, I was the founder, owner, and operator of a successful small business teaching children and adults how to swim. When I was pregnant with my firstborn, I made the decision to become a stay at home mom- and it was quite the transition!  My life became busy in so many different ways than it ever had been before. 

During those early days as a new mom, I felt like my identity had become mostly “Mama.” Having my daughter (and later my son, too) brought me so much joy- but I felt like I lost a piece of myself in the process. The overwhelm was real, the chores seemed endless, and I missed having my own business.

As the days and years went on, I realized that owning a business and managing a home and family actually have a lot in common. As a mom, I was carrying just as many (actually a lot MORE) responsibilities than I did when I owned my own company.  And just like in a small business, there was a need to figure out how to run things more efficiently. 

Instead of allowing myself to be overwhelmed by the day to day tasks, I realized I needed to learn to do my daily mom life more effectively- and I’m now on a mission to figure out ways to do mom life smarter, faster, cheaper, and easier…and of course to share what I find with YOU!

There are four Collections to help you

The Living on Less collection

The Home Education Collection

The Take Back Your Time Collection

The Epic Mom Skills Collection

Each Collection is made up of a select number of Customers, Contributors, Affiliates, and Sponsors. The Contributors create and give their products and services. The Affiliates help to get the word out and get paid commission for doing so. The Sponsors create offers to benefit the customers. The Customers get it all at a 95% or greater discount!

Collections by Mama Shark exists to connect creators and small business owners with their ideal audiences, and to connect those audiences with high-quality valuable resources delivered in a convenient digital format.

For more information go to:

The Living on Less Collection

Streamline Your Mom Life