I spoke with Aroga Life’s Bill McAnalley, Ph.D., President, Chief Science Officer, and Co-Founder, who is leading the cutting-edge research and product development efforts for Aroga. As a passionate scientist, he focuses on proprietary natural products that help build health. He is a National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health Fellow and Grantee and served as adjunct faculty at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Texas. He was Research Director at Carrington Laboratories and later became Research Director for Mannatech, Inc.
In 1995 he founded Bill McAnalley and Associates, LLC. Since 2005, he’s led research efforts on the science behind Aroga products.
Dr. Bill McAnalley is one of the most prominent and respected scientists in the world. He has made incredible discoveries.
• A published author in the most respected medical and peer-reviewed scientific journals
• An author of several books
• A doctor of pharmacology and toxicology
• A past researcher and toxicology expert for major medical universities, pharmaceutical companies, and the EPA
Dr. Bill McAnalley is known worldwide as the Father of Aloe. Every company that produces an active aloe product has its research to thank for it.
Following his discovery of the active therapeutic component in the aloe plant, Dr. Bill taught over 300 patents on the uses and applications of his discoveries in food components that affect cellular communication. It was an amazing success. His unique nutritional formulas have sold billions of dollars of products worldwide, produced hundreds of millionaires as a result, and improved the lives of millions of people.
There is a series of incredibly complex biochemical pathways in the body that have been a focus for thousands of researchers worldwide in all the major universities and scientific bodies for the last decade. Companies are in a race to find ingredients that either suppress or stimulate this process.
There are currently TED talks happening about it; even a recent Nobel prize was given for its research.
This system of biological pathways is called APOPTOSIS. Simply put – Apoptosis is our body’s natural and normal process for repairing or replacing damaged cells and is a necessary function of the immune system. Apoptosis has one purpose – the normal function of the cell. The apoptosis mechanism is a key part of many systems throughout the body.
Everyone thought he was retired…
But Dr. Bill had been on a 10-year quest analyzing hundreds of plants and tens of thousands of research studies and discovered that there is a certain, unique class of nutrients that affect the apoptosis pathways. One of the first people Dr. Bill called was Dr. John Rollins, a retired award-winning US patent officer. He had learned of Dr. Bill’s first discovery at the US patent office in early 1984. Those patents resulted in the most incredible bio-nutritional discovery of the 21st century. Dr. Rollins stated, “Dr. McAnalley’s first discovery was as, or more, significant than the discovery of vitamins and minerals.” Dr. Bill’s recent discovery is poised to surpass his last one with patents now pending in the US and 151 other countries.
The secret was out…
When the news leaked that he was developing new products, people were lining up and the phone was ringing off the hook! What happened next was shocking…the pure demand for the product forced Dr. McAnalley’s team to open for sales. In just a few short months they had sold over a million dollars in product with absolutely no marketing whatsoever.
The Aroga Pathways® product line consists of bitter herbs that are formulated to work synergistically together, regulating the many pathways of apoptosis. It is the only one of its kind in the world and is sold exclusively from Aroga®.
Ancient Wisdom with New Understanding…
“When Dr. Bill McAnalley first talked with me about his new research projects, it went over my head. I couldn’t wrap my mind around the relationship between apoptosis and these hunter-gatherer foods. When I realized the biological impact of these bitters…I got goosebumps all over again. This would be even more significant than Dr. Bill’s previous discovery. My wife, Ada, and I were so excited, that we came out of retirement to work with Dr. Bill again.”
— Dr. John Rollins
For more information on Aroga Products go to: https://www.arogalife.com/healthymouth