I’ve been thinking a lot about reflection, resetting, and reclaiming as we kick off a new year. Writing my chapter in Plan a Life You Love and Live It Out Loud last year was a pivotal moment for me, and I’ve shared some of these ideas in past episodes. But every day, I learn something new, and a lot of what I share now comes from things I wish I’d known or been aware of earlier in my life.

Looking back, I realize I was just surviving day to day. It was like living in the movie Groundhog Day: wake up, same morning routine, go to work, come home, make dinner, help with homework, play a game, read a book, or watch a movie, then get my daughter Faith ready for bed and repeat. I wasn’t living intentionally. I was just going through the motions, letting the circumstances around me dictate my days.

When we have kids, it’s so easy to fall into the same habits and routines, day in and day out, with only a few fun things sprinkled in here and there. Then one day, your kids grow up, and you’re left wondering, What now? For me, I didn’t really know what to do with myself. For the past six years, I’ve been working toward what I’ve always wanted to do, before life took a different turn. Or at least, so I thought.

Looking back, I see the real issue wasn’t the circumstances; it was that I wasn’t living life intentionally. I didn’t give much thought to who I wanted to be. I let life happen to me instead of deciding what I wanted and making a plan to get there. I was like a being a zombie, just getting through the day, and I don’t want the same for you.

A Wake-Up Call

I want you to love every day. To love what you do, to at least be happy where you are while you build what you want, and to appreciate what you have. And if you’re not there yet, decide what you want and start making a plan to get there, one day at a time. Trust me, it’s not easy. It took me ten years to climb out of the lack mindset I was stuck in. But if I can do it, you can too.

The key is starting where you are. If you’re in a place of anger, fear, or overwhelm, you have to move up the emotional scale step by step. We live and make decisions based on our emotions, and we’re all in different places emotionally. Comparing yourself to others won’t help. Instead, focus on your journey.

I used to ask myself, Why does that person have what I don’t? I’ve been there. But I’ve learned that people who seem to “have it all” often have a different mindset. I used to struggle to understand the law of attraction when people said, What you think about is what you get. I’d think, Well, I didn’t think about getting breast cancer! But looking back, I realize I was stuck in negative emotions, anger, frustration, and resentment. And those emotions kept me on that hamster wheel.

Mindset and Energy Matter

We’re all energy. And I believe that the negative energy I was carrying created the environment in my body that led to cancer. Our thoughts, choices, and habits shape our internal environment. The good news? We can change it when we become aware of our thoughts and feelings.

For me, it started with small shifts. When I caught myself spiraling into negativity, I’d redirect my focus. Sometimes, it was as simple as cleaning out a sock drawer or organizing something small to give myself a sense of accomplishment. Other times, I’d nap and focus on positive thoughts as I drifted off to sleep. Slowly, I began to replace my negative thoughts with better ones. Not always happy ones but ones that made me feel just a little bit better each day.

The Power of Taking Ownership

This process is what inspired my book. I started writing to shift my focus away from the negativity and onto what I wanted to create. I started listening to Wayne Dyer, Joe Dispenza and Abraham Hicks, and read the book Follow Your Bliss by Joseph Cambell about listening to your instincts, which helped me understand how much control we have over our mindset and, ultimately, our lives.

What I’ve realized is that when you see someone thriving, it’s because they’ve cultivated a mindset that supports their success. And when you see someone who’s always complaining, you can see how their life reflects that negativity. That’s why I’m so intentional now about surrounding myself with people who lift me up, people who inspire positivity.

When I wasn’t meeting my basic needs, when I wasn’t breathing properly, sleeping well, eating right, or respecting myself I was just surviving. I was putting everyone else first, staying busy to distract myself, and it took a toll on my health. But I learned something powerful on the journey back to health: I created it all. And the hardest person to forgive in that process was myself.

Reflect, Reset, Reclaim

We’re not taught to put ourselves first, but if you’re not in a good place mentally, emotionally, or physically everything else suffers. When you start with yourself, when you meet your basic needs and shift your mindset, everything else begins to fall into place.

It’s not just about health; it’s about believing in what’s possible for you. I saw this firsthand with my daughter Faith. I was told I’d never have a child, but I believed I would, no matter what anyone said. And here I am, a mom to Faith, who has been my greatest blessing and my greatest teacher.

Looking back, I wish I’d known these things 30 years ago, but it’s never too late to start. My mission now is to help you go back to the basics to focus on your mindset, your habits, and your health. Because when you start there, you’re not just surviving; you’re thriving.

How you can take charge of your health, mindset, and habits to create a life that feels aligned, vibrant, and abundant.

Let me ask you this: What would it look like for you to truly love your life? Maybe it’s feeling energized and present with your family. Maybe it’s waking up each morning feeling strong and confident in your body. Whatever it is, the journey starts with YOU.

And here’s the truth: You can’t pour from an empty cup. You can’t show up as the best version of yourself for your family, friends, or career if you’re not prioritizing your own health and happiness. That’s what today is all about putting yourself first so you can create a ripple effect of wellness and abundance.

Start with Self-Care

Everything starts with self-care. But I’m not just talking about bubble baths or spa days although those are great too. I mean taking care of yourself in a way that nourishes your entire being, from the top down: your mind, your body, and your overall health.

Let’s break this down:

  • Mindset: The way you talk to yourself matters more than you realize. Positive self-talk isn’t just fluff, it shapes your reality. When you believe in your ability to change and grow, you’re more likely to take the actions that lead to transformation.
  • Nasal Breathing: Did you know how you breathe can impact your health? Breathing through your nose, not your mouth helps your body absorb oxygen more effectively, reduces stress, and even improves sleep.
  • Mouth Health: Your mouth is the gateway to your body. Things like saliva production, proper chewing, and oral hygiene affect digestion, your gut, and your overall health.
  • Gut Health: What you put into your body directly impacts your energy, focus, and mood.

Action tip to start with: Tomorrow morning, take five minutes just for you. Maybe it’s sitting quietly with a cup of tea, practicing deep breathing, or writing down three things you’re grateful for. Small acts of self-care set the tone for the rest of your day.

Consistency is Key 

Next, let’s talk about consistency. Creating a life you love isn’t about making one big change and hoping it sticks. It’s about the small, everyday habits that add up over time.

Let me share a personal story. I had a moment of realization when I saw how my words and actions were impacting my daughter. She wasn’t just hearing what I said, she was watching me. The way I spoke to myself, the way I handled stress, the way I cared for my health all of it was shaping her own beliefs about herself.

It was a wake-up call. I realized that if I wanted her to have a healthy, positive mindset, I needed to model that for her. And it wasn’t about being perfect, it was about being intentional. I still struggle at times but she reminds me when I slip back into old habits. 

Action tip: Pick one habit to focus on this week. Maybe it’s practicing nasal breathing, swapping a sugary snack for a healthier option, or being mindful of the way you speak about yourself. Remember, small changes lead to big transformations.

Building Generational Health and Abundance 

Now, let’s take it a step further. When you prioritize your health and wellness, you’re not just benefiting yourself, you’re creating a legacy of health for your family.

Kids learn more from what they see than what they hear. If they see you prioritizing your health, they’ll begin to adopt those habits too. February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, and it’s a perfect opportunity to focus on making simple, actionable changes for your family.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Start a family brushing routine and make it fun with a timer or a song.
  • Replace sugary drinks with water or herbal tea.
  • Sit down for family meals without screens, which improves connection and digestion.

Action Tip: Choose one change to implement as a family this week. It could be as simple as brushing together before bed or prepping a healthy snack for school lunches. These small habits create a foundation for generational health and abundance.

Vision for 2025 

Finally, let’s talk about creating a vision for your wellness journey in 2025. What do you want your health, mindset, and life to look like by the end of this year?

Take a moment to visualize it. Imagine waking up with energy, feeling calm and focused, and knowing that you’re showing up for yourself and your family in the best way possible.

Here’s the key: Write it down. Speak it aloud. And then take small steps every day to make it happen.

Remember, what you say to yourself matters. The way you talk about your health and your body sets the tone for your actions. If you believe you’re worth the effort and you are, you’ll start to see the transformation you’ve been hoping for.

Let me leave you with this: You are worth the time and energy it takes to create a life you love. By focusing on your mind, mouth, and body connection, you’re not just investing in yourself, you’re creating a ripple effect of wellness that will impact your family for generations.

 As you reflect, reset, and reclaim this year, I encourage you to take one small step toward creating a life you love. Start with where you are, focus on one change at a time, and trust that you’re worth the effort.

If you found this helpful, please share it with someone who could use a little encouragement on their wellness journey. 

Next month is National Children’s Dental Health Month and explore how to help your family build healthy habits that last.

Until then, remember: Small steps lead to big changes. When you invest in yourself, you’re creating a ripple effect for those around you. Let’s make this the year of wellness, abundance, and intentional living together.