How to use the DIAGNOdent


What is DIAGNOdent?


DIAGNOdent is electronic device that aids in accurate and reliable caries detection.


More and more patients place value on healthy and attractive teeth. DIAGNOdent aids in the detections of caries.


Even very small lesions are detected at the earliest stage, enabling you to protect and preserve the tooth substance.


Within the decay model, the accuracy of diagnosing “hidden” occlusal caries is recognized to be a challenge.


Your visual and radiographic evaluation can be significantly more accurate with the use of KaVo’s DIAGNOdent caries detection aid.


Why use it?


• High level of patient acceptance and satisfaction.


• Proven to be over 90% accurate.


Ideal adjunct to minimally invasive techniques (air abrasion, micro rotary instrumentation, etc.).


• Allows monitoring of caries progression. Small portable device which is simple to operate.


• Ideal device for both hygienist and doctor.


• Practice building, revenue enhancing



How to use?


Insert Tip by screwing on


Turn on by pressing sides of handle.


Make sure tip and machine match in this case both are A


Then calibrate machine before starting press calibrate wait for the numbers to come up.


Put tip to the side of the machine.


When numbers match the machine is calibrated.


Squeeze again record base line peak using a virgin tooth with no decay, no restorations.


Dry tooth off before starting.


Make sure no prophy paste is present on the tooth before starting, it may give a false reading.


Activate by squeezing sides again


If testing a tooth with a restoration present, the reading will be higher and not accurate.


Record your findings


Dentist will usually recommend filling if reading is greater than 30


Wipe tip off and put in metal try to sterilize.


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