I get asked this question a lot as a dental hygienist!
There are many reasons you may have stinky breath.
- Poor Oral Hygiene (You are not brushing properly along the gums)
- Dry Mouth
- Tonsil stones
- You ate something smelly
- The food you are eating is not agreeing with your body ecology
- Diabetes ( has a different odor)
- Sinus drainage
- Plaque on your teeth
- You are not brushing your tongue
- You are not flossing
- it could be coming from your stomach
- You have an underlying undiagnosed systemic illness
I recommend starting with brushing and flossing first to see if your bad breath goes away!
A mouth rinse can help, but it may just mask the problem you will need to find out what exactly is the cause of your bad breath is. Getting to the bottom of the cause can help get rid of bad breath once and for all.
Any bleeding in your mouth is not healthy it is usually a sign of disease, whether it be gingivitis or gum disease or an underlying systemic condition.
I recommend if you’re bleeding gums persist, you see a dentist or if you have seen your dentist and you’re diligent with your brushing and flossing, and still, it’s not getting better, see your physician and have blood work done.
Your gums could be trying to tell you something! Listen and pay attention to your body and the possible warning signs! Your mouth can be an easy warning system to something wrong in your body!
Sometimes with your health, including mouth health, you need to be your health care advocate. You may also need to be a detective and investigate what is causing the problem. You may need to experiment with different foods, cut them out reintroduce them document the journey. Try different products; not all products are suitable for everyone. Some products cause mouth sores and tissue stuffing. Tissue stuffing happens in your mouth when your body does not like a particular product and the tissue.
Tissue sloughing is a fancy term for the death of the tissue inside that causes the peeling of the lining of your mouth due to the chemicals in toothpaste, mouthwashes or both. When sloughing happens, the tissue rolls off the cheek in stringy white pieces. For some people, mouth rinses with alcohol dry out the mouth, or allergic reactions to a product can be the cause. Some individuals experience a mild allergic reaction to whitening toothpaste. If you suspect that this is the cause of the inside of your mouth peeling, stop the usage of the product you think is causing it. Yes, it is that simple!
If your epithelial tissue is sloughing off at very high rates, then it has to be replaced at very high rates, which means that there’s a constant regeneration going on in your mouth. Usually, the way to treat it is to stop using the product that is causing the sloughing. The hard part might be figuring out what product it is.
Peeling mouth tissue may also indicate that you have an underlying autoimmune disorder. For instance, if you have Pemphigus Vulgaris, your body produces antibodies against the skin component holding the tissue together. Lichen Planus is another autoimmune condition that can cause flaking of white tissue, Pemphigus, Lupus, and Erythema Multiforme.
You may need to follow up with a Dr. if your bad breath persists or you are having a reaction to a product, and discounting the use does not get rid of the problem.
Your bad breath can be as simple as stop eating stinky food you are consuming, or it could be linked to an illness.
I always recommend you follow your gut. Not gut health, although that could be contributing to your bad breath.
Follow your instincts. If your spidey senses are tingling, listen to them always, that is what they are there for. I call it a sixth sense. Many of us question those feelings we have and ignore them. We have them for a reason. Listen!
Better to be safe than sorry!